Sustainability Hub 2023

Environmental protection: Health requires a healthy environment

Healthy people can only live in a healthy environment. As a healthcare company, we therefore see it as our responsibility to protect the climate and the environment, and to be careful in our use of natural resources. It is essential to avoid any negative impacts. To this end, we identify and evaluate potential hazards, and take the necessary measures to protect the climate and the environment. This includes clearly defined climate targets, implementation of energy efficiency measures, expansion of renewable energies, reduction of the volume of waste and packaging, and a careful approach to the irreplaceable resource of water.

Our commitment to life naturally means caring for our planet. Reducing our footprint helps to safeguard ecosystems and thus strengthens our society.
So life can thrive.

Dr. Michael Moser, Member of the Management Board

Our environmental management focuses on three topics that are crucially relevant for our core business: