Sustainability Hub 2023

A family-friendly work environment

Above all for employees who work shifts, it is often a major challenge to balance work with family life and childcare. Helios has therefore promoted a good work-life balance for many years. Employees often struggle with a lack of options for childcare during their working hours. In order to support these employees, we offer childcare at 34 of our locations throughout Germany.

Additionally, we promote work-life balance with personalized models for working hours, part-time work, and job sharing. In 2023, a total of 3,672 (2022: 5,040) of our employees exercised their legal right to parental leave, 3,067 of whom were women and 605 men. We agreed on a monthly childcare allowance of up to €150 in our Group-specific collective agreement back in 2007. Employees can claim this supplement if they wish to return from parental leave earlier. They can also attend training courses during their parental leave to keep up to date with the latest developments in their field for when they return to work.