Committed to diversity and inclusion
Quirónsalud is committed to a diverse and inclusive workforce, where different cultures, generations, profiles, and skills coexist. We are convinced that diversity provides different and complementary skills and competencies, which translate into a better approach when it comes to innovating and developing new projects, creating integrated teams with added talent to overcome challenges and achieve the best results.
Drawing the baseline
To promote diversity, we encourage equal opportunities by expressly prohibiting in our Code of Ethics and Conduct any basis for discrimination, while also complying with applicable legislation and promoting best practices in human resources management to advance and contribute to talented teams with diverse skills and competencies.
In Quirónsalud’s most representative healthcare subsidiary company by employees, IDCQ Hospitales y Sanidad, SLU., there has been an equal opportunities plan since 2020. Others have recently signed their equality plans with union representation.
%of our employees in Spain are covered by equality plans.
This type of equality plan complies with the European directives and the national rules in Spain on equal opportunities and wage transparency between men and women and guarantees non-discrimination in the workplace.
Sexual and workplace protocols
In all our centers, we have implemented protocols against sexual and labor harassment.
In some of them, a Workplace Violence Commission has been created, as well as equality commissions to ensure the monitoring and surveillance of these aspects.
The power of language
We are aware of the power of language, both in social and professional environments, and how it influences perceptions, attitudes, and behavior. To counteract issues in this area, we have implemented equality language guidelines, promoting the use of non-sexist language.
Speaking up
We encourage our employees to report any violations of the principles of the Code of Ethics and Conduct or other possible misconduct. An externally managed whistleblower channel is available to employees and third parties. In addition, incidents of sexual and gender-based harassment can be reported via a dedicated complaint protocol.
Diversity in the daily work routine
Quirónsalud takes the needs of the various groups that make up its workforce into consideration.
%of the workforce are women.
Women have a very significant presence in Quirónsalud, especially in the healthcare workforce. It is important for us to respond to their specific demands and needs, considering gender equality as a key aspect.
In 2023, 28% of our senior management, which includes the members of the Management Committee and the regional divisions, were women.
Quirónsalud carries out different initiatives in favor of gender equality, responding to the needs and roles of men and women both in the company and in their families. Social measures and benefits have been implemented to improve the work–life balance of employees. For example, all our employees can request a reduction in working hours, shift change, leave of absence, internal mobility, and/or work-from-home within the legal frameworks of collective bargaining agreements and workers’ statutes.
With respect to cultural diversity, within the data collected in the information system, we recorded an average of 90 different nationalities over the course of the year.
Quirónsalud has developed a procedure to address the questions of new employees from abroad and thus facilitate their arrival in Spain. In addition to this, the company has a function for labor law and related employee services through which international nursing and medical staff can obtain their residence and work permits.
Quirónsalud promotes functional diversity by integrating people with disabilities into the company through initiatives and agreements with different social entities. We have dedicated recruiting, training, and inclusion protocols for disabled people. The company has a high percentage of disabled personnel for various services such as laundry, and it selects suppliers promoting the hiring of disabled people.
We thus comply with the legal requirement in Spain to have at least 2% of the total workforce made up of people with disabilities. Exceptions are possible and must be explained by the companies concerned before being accepted by the competent authority. In addition, Quirónsalud has signed an agreement from the representative foundation Fundación DKV Integralia to promote diversity in the division.
Distribution by age
With regard to generational diversity, we continue to adhere to the Code of Principles of Generational Diversity promoted by the Generation & Talent Observatory, an institution with which we have collaborated since its creation. This commitment implies the recognition, as a strategic objective, of the positive development of all people by the management on the basis of equal opportunities, regardless of their age, without discrimination, and showing respect for generational diversity, thus promoting a favorable environment for all and complying with all applicable legislation.