Sustainability Hub 2023

For long-term loyal cooperation: Strengthening employee satisfaction and loyalty

Our aim is to pursue long-term cooperation with our employees. This is because well-coordinated teams and knowledge retention within the company make a significant contribution to better care for our patients. Our employee retention measures and programs also exerted an impact in 2023. On average, employees stay at Helios for 9.9 (2022: 10.1 years) years.

Reducing turnover

In order to prevent employees leaving the company after a short period of time, we standardized the induction process for new employees in 2020. We also further developed and digitalized onboarding processes. Annual feedback meetings between employees and their supervisors have been offered as standard at Helios for many years now. The rate1 of employee terminations in 2023 was 7.7%, which is slightly down on the previous year (2022: 8.0%).

Additional benefits for enhanced employee satisfaction

There are additional employee offerings at Helios that increase the satisfaction of our employees. These are in turn intended to reinforce the loyalty of employees to the company:

  • Helios Corporate Benefit Program: This offers benefits such as exclusive discounts and deals with cooperating partners, as well as a diverse range of sports and nutrition courses.
  • Helios PlusCard: In addition, our employees receive the Helios PlusCard, a supplementary private hospital insurance policy for Helios employees.
  • Support in caring for relatives: We support our employees in caring for their relatives by providing them with the expertise of a contractual partner.
  • JobRad e-bikes: In 2022, Helios concluded a master agreement with JobRad for the provision of e-bikes. Some hospitals also offer their employees Jobticket passes for public transit systems (ÖPNV).
Consulting our employees: Helios Puls

In autumn 2023, we conducted a company-wide employee survey entitled Helios Puls for the second time. After the major initial survey launched in 2022, the 2023 survey was intended as an intermediate survey, which demonstrated that we are on the right track with the measures we adopted. A positive trend was evident in all professional groups with respect to commitment, satisfaction values, and willingness to pass on a recommendation for Helios as an employer and as a healthcare provider.

A total of 12,880 people took part in the survey. A response rate of 19% (2022: 21%) means that the survey findings can therefore be considered representative at the Group level.

1 Here, the calculation of voluntary employee resignations was changed or harmonized with that of the other Fresenius entities. We are now excluding termination contracts without severance pay. The employee termination rate is based on the new calculation (excluding termination contracts without severance pay): 2020: 6.0%, 2021: 6.8%, and 2022: 8.0%.