Sustainability Hub 2023

Health management

We want to protect the health of our employees and actively promote it at the same time. That’s why we use comprehensive measures to ensure that our employees are operating in a safe workplace at all times and they can organize their life in a healthy way.

Workplace health promotion at our sites

We offer our employees measures and services to promote workplace health which are provided at individual Helios locations. They include collaboration with gyms, back exercise courses, yoga courses, quit-smoking courses, and team events such as company fun runs. The programs also cover topics such as healthy eating, relaxation techniques, and healthy sleep. The Helios PlusCard is a supplementary private hospital insurance policy that is also part of the workplace health support service.

Our measures for a safe and healthy workplace at Helios

Our objective is to provide our employees with a safe and healthy work environment. We aim to consistently reduce workplace accidents and near misses. In 2023, the areas of occupational safety, fire safety, waste management, and hazardous materials were transferred to a dedicated entity, Helios HSE GmbH Health, Safety & Environment (HSE). This company is responsible for all Helios hospitals and their subsidiaries.

Our employees from occupational safety carry out regular occupational safety inspections at operational facilities. They are also responsible for training courses dealing with potential hazards and hazard hotspots. The aim is to continuously improve occupational safety and health protection.

Established processes exist for managing workplace reintegration. Employees returning to work after a long period of absence are supported by experts from various departments with the goal of reestablishing their capacity to work in line with their individual capabilities. The aim is to make it easier for employees to return to their workplace.

Managers have risk assessments for their work areas. These assessments are the central tool for occupational safety. They assist in identifying potential hazards at an early stage and provide support for deriving measures and appropriate effectiveness controls. In addition, risk assessments raise the profile of occupational safety for everyone involved in the course of their daily work. Reviews are performed every two years and, as necessary, on an ad-hoc basis in order to check that the risk assessments are still up to date.


Find out more (German language only)

Updates are supplemented by the responsible process owners in the specialized and function departments. They alert the responsible departments to potential deficits and correct any deficiencies in cooperation with the occupational safety specialist.

Three of our most important measures for a safe workplace

Hygiene requirements and personal protective equipment

Compliance with our stringent hygiene requirements is a key measure for protecting our medical staff. We educate our employees and support them in the proper use of disinfectants. We also carefully select skin protection products and provide skin protection plans. Helios internal specialists provide support and advice in choosing the correct personal protection equipment (PPE) for the occupational safety and health of our employees.

Fire safety

An established Helios fire safety register is used to record necessary fire safety measures in the operational facilities, eliminate deficiencies, and document regular updates. The focus here is always on minimizing the risk of potential damaging events. Fresenius Internal Audit also conducts regular audits here, and findings contribute to a continuous improvement process. Fresenius Internal Audit is therefore an important component in the process of continuous quality review.

Data recording and monitoring

The Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) was introduced in 2023, prior to launching a system for central recording of work and commute-related accidents at Helios hospitals. LTIFR is an internal indicator used to steer the company’s safety culture. The aim of recording and evaluating this information is to reduce accidents. A further objective is to identify and rectify deficits at an early stage.