Energy consumption: intelligent data collection, renewable energy, savings and efficiency measures
We require large amounts of energy for the operation of our healthcare facilities. Continually monitoring energy consumption is therefore a key function of our energy management system – since well before the energy crisis. As early as 2013, we developed a comprehensive energy benchmark system at Helios and we have been systematically recording all energy data since 2014. This means that we are in a position to compare the consumption data of the hospitals, initiate targeted improvement measures, and apply best practices from individual hospitals throughout the Helios network.
In 2021, Helios rolled out a central energy procurement and management system throughout the Group together with an associated metering and delimitation plan. Corresponding meter technology measures the total electricity usage at all hospital locations. The aim of these measures is to improve the data for electricity consumption and to meet the requirements of Germany’s Renewable Energies Act (EEG). These data also support the work of Helios’ own energy supplier and service provider HKG Energiedienstleistungen GmbH, which is responsible for implementing energy projects at Helios and for procuring energy.
Our energy consumption in 2023
In the reporting year, we procured a total of 756,665.5 (2022: 802,028 MWh) megawatt hours (MWh) of energy (see the Key figures chapter). Since 2022, Helios has been switching over to procuring 100% green electricity for base load from certified renewable energy sources. The continuous increase in our owned generation rate supports a secure and uninterrupted supply of energy in our hospitals. Our combined heat-and-power systems will make a particularly important contribution to this. Presently, we have a total of 82 combined heat-and-power systems installed at 52 of our 87 Helios sites. As a result of their particularly effective use of fuels, we succeeded in reducing our energy consumption.
We determine the relative energy consumption figures for each hospital to enable a better comparison. In 2023, the average energy consumption for each planned bed was 25,066 kWh (2022: 26,424 kWh). In the reporting year, energy consumption per square meter of space used totaled 218 kWh/m2 (2022: 232 kWh/m2) and therefore represented a significant decrease year on year.
Energy consumption
per square meter and year
Lower energy consumption and improved energy efficiency
In response to the energy crisis, Helios set itself an ambitious target for 2023. During 2023, Helios intended to reduce the total energy consumption of our hospitals by 20% compared with 2021. We laid the groundwork for this in 2022 and continued to expand the existing measures. These included, for example, a “100-point” checklist to enable our hospitals to identify their energy-saving potential. The 100 points on the checklist encompass measures such as the analysis and optimization of heating and ventilation systems in buildings. Implementation of the checklist was monitored by way of regular updates between a task force of the Infrastructure Business Unit and the hospital energy teams. These measures empowered Helios to save a total of 17% of energy per square meter in the reporting year in comparison with 2021.
Alongside user behavior, the condition of our building infrastructure and the structure of our healthcare facilities exerts a direct impact on our energy consumption. Helios is continuously investing in new buildings and modernizations that meet the relevant current energy standards, and comply with the appropriate regulatory requirements. Furthermore, we have been optimizing the existing ventilation and cooling systems in line with site-specific requirements. Air quality measurements are conducted at various sites to ensure the appropriate control of systems. For example, ventilation systems are switched on and off according to the values measured for ambient air temperature and CO2 content.
Our business units are always looking for ways to improve further the energy efficiency of our facilities. To this end, we maintain various working groups that continuously examine how energy can be saved and systems optimized appropriately with the technologies used in day-to-day hospital operations. Furthermore, Helios is raising awareness of potential energy savings, energy efficiency initiatives and careful energy usage among the staff concerned with internal and external energy audits at the hospital sites. We regularly use the energy management system to monitor and evaluate the impacts of our measures on energy efficiency in a process that is governed by ISO 50001, to which our energy management system is certified. In addition to the centrally managed energy efficiency projects, individual Helios companies are implementing site-specific projects with the aim of improving their energy and environmental performance.
In 2023, Helios made energy savings of more than
%per square meter across all hospitals.
Reliable energy supply
A key priority at Helios is to keep energy consumption to a minimum accompanied by maximally low potential environmental impacts. On the other hand, it is also critically important to have a consistently reliable and stable energy supply so that we can provide our patients with the best possible treatment at all times. To this end, each Helios hospital has a backup power system. It guarantees that a secure backup electricity supply can be provided for the key energy consumers at the hospitals within a few seconds if there is a power outage.