Sustainability Hub 2023

Our employees: highly qualified and passionate

Quirónsalud works to ensure that its employees develop as individuals and as professionals within the organization, strengthening their skills and their pride of belonging.



in 2023


hours of training

in 2023

Promoting employee health and well-being

We strive to build solid and lasting teams. First and foremost, good working conditions are the basis for this aspiration. Collective bargaining agreements and employee statutes take into account the needs of our different employee groups. Topics that are covered are, for example, fair renumeration, working time, vacations, working conditions, retirement, and equality plans, as well as health and safety in the workplace.

We have


collective agreements

in place.

Employees covered by collective agreements:



in Spain



in the whole company

Quirónsalud Contigo is an innovative program focused on our employees’ and their families’ physical, mental, emotional, and financial well-being. Examples of such initiatives provided through this internal employee tool are divided into five lines of action:

Contigo Bienestar

Aims for comprehensive care of our employees’ health by offering health-related content and workshops regarding healthy eating and emotional well-being, as well as virtual gym offers, among other elements.

Contigo Equilibrio

Mental health assistance program: free and anonymous psychological assistance can be accessed by the employees, their spouses, and their children under 25.

Contigo Salud

Health-related assistance: employees have direct access to the Digital Hospital (digital health services) and additional individual annual medical checkup requests (complementary to the labor checkup to expand medical tests) to identify risks and prevent diseases.

Contigo Bienestar Financiero

Financial assistance regarding salary payment methods and other economic advantages, e.g., flexible remuneration program and employee discounts.

Contigo Familia

Programs focused on children’s health, e.g., with a pediatric program and a program promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Contigo Sin Etiquetas

Support program for employees with disabilities and their families.

Employee retention

There are various training programs designed to retain our talent. We believe that part of what employees’ demand and what differentiates us is our competitiveness, which is why we focus on education and training. Employees value other types of benefits in kind that go beyond their salaries, and we believe that in addition to a healthy work environment, our teams can benefit from various courses, master’s degrees, and educational programs that enrich them as professionals.

We support our employees in pursuing their personal career development, even if it means leaving their current position. Our internal mobility policy requires that all vacancies must be published in the employee portal on the intranet. In doing so, we highlight opportunities and career paths to professionals who want to develop further, while making an important contribution to talent retention.

A doctor in green scrubs is talking to a patient; view over the shoulder of the patient (Photo)
The satisfaction of our employees also has an impact on the patient experience.

Finding the right people

In order to meet our future demand for qualified professionals, we use a variety of different tools to recruit employees. In addition to hiring professionals, we also focus on training new employees ourselves.

We have established cooperations with universities and also operate university hospitals and training facilities ourselves. More than 5,000 students are trained annually by experts; they acquire practical skills during their undergraduate and postgraduate training. We have 10 university hospitals where the classroom-based content of a medical school is taught and more than 500 medical professionals are fully trained each year. In four nursing schools, we provide classroom and hands-on training as well as vocational training, for example to qualify students as Imaging Technicians for Diagnosis and Nuclear Medicine and Technicians in Radiation Therapy and Dosimetry.

Talent development

Training at Quirónsalud is a tool that allows our employees to develop both professionally and personally. In this way, we continuously increase levels of commitment, putting the focus on people.

Universidad Corporativa

At our Universidad Corporativa, we offer a wide range of training and learning programs for our employees. The Universidad Corporativa is a virtual campus where our employees can access different learning paths. It is the framework for all training offered, but employees are only required to take mandatory courses during onboarding and according to their specialty or the nature of their job. Employees have a profile where they can access their learning paths, English lessons, and “Contigo” sessions on mindfulness or gym live sessions.

Our Universidad Corporativa platform includes Quirónsalud Campus, a space that offers knowledge, talent, and innovative seminars, events, and gatherings for our professionals.

All of this has been facilitated by our 3D platform, which makes it possible to carry out the events with high quality in a hybrid format, reaching 1,233 professionals – 686 on-site attendees and 547 virtual attendees – with an average satisfaction rating of 3.74/4.

Both projects are part of the company’s strategy, allowing our employees to both develop their talents and meet with fellow colleagues within the Quirónsalud community.

A lector is pointing at a screen with red dots and the sketch of a DNA while four people are watching him (Photo)
We want to ensure a high quality of treatment through continuous training.

Talent programs

Apart from our digital Universidad Corporativa, we have other programs, master’s degrees, and initiatives to develop our professionals both personally and in career terms.

Hospitable Empathy Program

When training our healthcare professionals, we also keep an eye on details that can make a noticeable difference: in 2023, around 6,600 of our nurses were trained in the importance of empathy – thus improving the interaction with patients and their experience.

Filling gaps: development of the Master’s in Emergency Medicine

Given the non-existence of the specialty of Emergency Medicine, Quirónsalud has developed a master’s degree that meets these needs and differs from existing training courses on the market due to its high number of practical hours in the hospital and in simulation areas. Conducted in collaboration with the Alfonso X El Sabio University, it helps us to professionalize our emergency physicians and attract external talent. The program enables trained doctors to take on their work in the Emergency department with solid, established knowledge. We are already implementing the second edition, in which 25 internal and 2 external doctors have been trained.

Leaders of tomorrow

We offer a variety of development formats to our current and future managers. For example, in 2023 more than 160 middle managers from different departments participated in training with special focus on communicating and raising awareness of the value of Quirónsalud’s strategy and its impact on our patients.

To prepare Quirónsalud professionals to manage and lead the hospitals of the future, we offer a program in cooperation with the IESE Business School. It focuses on addressing challenges related to the company’s commitment to excellence in service, the use of technology, and a clear mission to improve the health and well-being of patients and employees. A total of 116 professionals participated between 2022 and 2023.

Succession planning

In mid-2020, work began on a pilot talent development program aimed at developing individual talent and ensuring continuity in critical positions, e.g., nursing and facultative managers. During 2021 and 2022, different development plans were implemented for 55 participants. In 2023, we worked on finalizing this program and establishing the design for a new edition.

The main goal of this key people program is to develop individual talent and provide continuity in critical positions within the organization.