Our Sustainability Ambition: Ensuring patient well-being and creating sustainable value
For a few, sustainability is still a nice-to-have. Many try to surf on the sustainability wave. Others think of obligations and restrictions first. At Fresenius, we focus on the opportunities that arise from sustainable thinking. And translate them into sustainable actions which create tangible impact.
Because we at Fresenius are - Committed to Life!
It is our mission to take care of both people and planet. Based on a unique corporate legacy that lasts more than a century. Guided by strong values, with a clear direction of where we want to go.
Are we there yet? No, but we are progressing well on our ambitious path. Ready to be measured by our success.
Our sustainability ambition is: Caring & Daring. Caring in the sense that we are already taking responsibility in many areas. But we are driven to do even more and are therefore purposefully expanding our activities. This is what Daring stands for.
Our Sustainability Ambition - Taking care of people and planet
The human dimension
Millions of people entrust us with their most precious asset: their health. We are a reliable partner at their side. We accompany them throughout their lives. Because people are much more than just their illness.
In our hospitals, we do everything we can to accelerate the recovery and well-being of our patients through personalized, holistic treatments that combine excellence in care with a positive experience for body and soul.
All of this is only possible thanks to the commitment and expertise of our employees worldwide. For them, we strive to create the best possible working environment in which everyone can develop and realize their full potential. Gaining and retaining top talent is a key priority for us.
Our targets:
Leading Medical Outcomes
%Inpatient medical treatment with above-average outcome 20241
Leading Product Quality
Audit & Inspection Score
target 20242
Employee Engagement
Employee Engagement Index
target 2024
The planet dimension
Healthy people need a healthy home. This is why our commitment to life naturally means caring for the planet we live on. Reducing our production footprint helps to safeguard ecosystems and thus strengthens our society. For example, we continuously reduce our consumption of water - one of our most precious resources. And in our hospitals, we are committed to providing sustainable healthcare.
Our target:
Net zero
50% reduction by 2030 and climate neutral by 2040 in our own operations3, net zero by 20504
In the Environment section, we provide information on our activities regarding climate protection, water, and waste. We focus on our patients, our products and services, and how we advance through digital transformation, and on our employees. Detailed information on this can be found in the Social section. We describe how we live our responsibility being an integral part of society in the Governance section.
Curious about sustainability playing a crucial role in the production of infusion bags or in everyday hospital life? Take a look at our interactive graphics:
Are you looking for specific information on our business segments? You will find it here:
Regulatory requirements were fulfilled with our audited Non-financial Report 2023.
1 Helios Germany Inpatient Quality Indicator, Helios results vs. national average; Helios specific KPI: G-IQI measures the medical treatment quality. In 88% of treatment cases Helios is better than the national average.
2 Kabi specific KPI: the score indicates how many observations have been raised on average at external inspections and audits.
3 Scope 1 & 2, baseline 2020.
4 We will commit to SBTi.