Sustainability Hub 2023

Sustainability at Quirónsalud

We are driven by a purpose: we work together to build a sustainable future for people’s health and well-being.

Our values

At Quirónsalud, people are at the center of all decisions, and we are committed to a corporate strategy that protects people’s health and the environment.

Our values are the pillars that support the way we act, work, and do things. They explain who we are today and who we will be in the future. They mark our understanding of health and our relationship with people. They make us different and unique. They are our identity:

Person-to-person health

We have managed to create an identity that reflects the prestige and guarantee of quality that represents us as Quirónsalud: human-to-human health.

At the center of our strategy

The main objective of Quirónsalud is to offer people healthcare based on excellence and quality. To this end, we are working on the development of the three strategic axes, updated in 2023:


We provide the best possible medical care while maintaining high standards of quality. This involves a rigorous approach to healthcare delivery to ensure that patients receive effective and safe treatment and that a level of excellence in medical practice is maintained.


This axis reflects Quirónsalud’s commitment to the efficient management of resources, which translates into the optimal allocation of financial and human resources to improve operational efficiency and ensure the long-term sustainability of both the company and the private healthcare sector.

Patient experience

Patient experience is approached in a holistic manner, taking into account satisfaction and subjective experience with the care received, as well as the safety, appropriateness, and effectiveness of clinical processes. Our mission is to offer medical care of the highest quality, patient-centered and based on medical excellence, prioritizing safety and quality and providing personalized, clear, and transparent patient care.

We want to go beyond regulatory compliance and advance the formulation of social and environmental objectives and commitments that are closely related to our activities. Therefore, in order to develop the strategic axes in each area of the company’s activity, we have established specific objectives that strengthen and improve our ethical and responsible management:

Regulatory compliance
  • Comply with all local, national, and European legal requirements and identify possible criminal behavior within the organization.
  • Adapt policies and procedures to new mandatory regulations.
  • Perform prevention, detection, and response functions.
Patients and customers
  • Ensure the quality of our services and the safety of our patients.
  • Guarantee excellence in the patient experience through the definition and achievement of ambitious goals.
  • Be at the forefront of clinical practices in our hospitals and centers, putting our faith in research and innovation.
  • Protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information systems, thus ensuring the ability to provide critical services to customers and patients.
Personnel and employment
  • Promote diversity and equal opportunities for our professionals by fostering an inclusive and non-discriminatory environment.
  • Ensure the safety and well-being of our teams as they perform their work.
  • Offer training to help our employees grow professionally and personally.
  • Foster pride of belonging through initiatives that make us a benchmark for differential practices in the sector.
  • Optimize the consumption of resources (energy, water, paper, raw materials, etc.) and contribute to the fight against climate change.
  • Improve waste management and move toward a circular economy.
  • Raise awareness of environmental responsibility.
  • Search for other renewable energy sources.
  • Optimize hospital renovations or new builds to reduce energy, water, and raw material consumption, as well as minimizing the waste generated.
Subcontracting and suppliers
  • Ensure compliance with the requirements established in current legislation and alignment with the company’s principles and objectives.
  • Guarantee supply to hospitals in a timely manner, providing an improvement in the administrative management of the transactional process.
  • Optimize processes and stocks in hospitals, reducing their administrative burden and inventories.
  • Improve the traceability of the supply of products and services purchased.
  • Implement the company's supplier approval process to ensure a responsible, fair and ethical relationship, adapted to our sector's needs and legal compliance required.
Social commitment
  • Identify opportunities and establish alliances that will allow us to move forward in a more agile and effective manner.
  • Improve the health and well-being of people, recognizing our responsibility to contribute to a more equitable society.
  • Orient our actions towards long-term objectives and ensure that our work responds to the needs of patients and employees, as well as those of other stakeholders.
  • Integrate social action into the core of our business.

Anchoring ESG responsibility at the highest level

In 2023, Quirónsalud created the Sustainability Directorate within its senior management structure, dedicated to coordinating and boosting sustainability activities.

With this structural change, we unequivocally demonstrate our commitment to sustainability and its integration into our operations. From this new directorate, we will improve our sustainability management through the development of policies, plans and objectives.

What we do to live up to our objectives is set out in the following chapters regarding Environment, Social, and Governance.

Curious about how sustainability is intertwined with our core business of running hospitals? Have a look at our interactive graphic.

This report gives an overall picture of our sustainability activities. If you want to deep-dive into facts and figures as well as management approaches, have a look at the Non-financial Report 2023 of our parent company Fresenius.