Equal opportunities and inclusion in the company and day-to-day hospital operations
As a responsible employer, we reinforce equal opportunities and inclusion. We have a strict prohibition on discrimination and unequal treatment. No one may be discriminated against on the basis of skin color, ethnic origin, political views, faith, age, gender or gender identity, ethnicity, nationality, cultural background, sexual orientation, physical, mental or psychological condition, appearance or other personal characteristics. We do not tolerate insults, humiliation, or harassment in our daily work. This applies to the interactions between employees during the ordinary working day, and to the behavior of third parties when dealing with our employees. If incidents of discrimination or unequal treatment occur, they are dealt with by the relevant hospital management together with the human resource managers and, depending on the severity of the case, passed on to the regional or central offices.
Our Helios Compliance Code (German language only) stipulates that all employees are able to report any misconduct they observe. In the first instance, the primary point of contact for such reports is the employee’s line manager, although any other manager at the site may also be contacted. The Helios ombudsperson, whose contact details can be found on the company intranet, is a neutral and independent advocate that employees can contact. More details on this are provided in the chapter Responsible Corporate Governance.
Managing diversity at Helios
The Helios Chief Human Resources Officer has overall responsibility for diversity. The hospital management teams are responsible for implementing diversity concepts at local level. In 2021, Helios Germany signed the Diversity Charter – for diversity in the world of work – which is managed by the employer initiative Charta der Vielfalt e. V.
At the same time, a dedicated diversity working group was set up to address strategic development and implement overarching measures. The working group translates new key topics into concrete measures at monthly meetings. More than 70 employees from hospitals are active in the Helios network. They give concrete form to implementation strategies and initiate new projects to promote a diverse work culture. In 2023, diversity was a topic for our company-wide knowledge goal. The digital training We Live Diversity served to focus deliberately on the internal dimension, and we highlighted how diversity is practiced in the workplace every day and how it enriches cooperation. Since 2022, diversity has been established as a subject at all Helios training centers.
In 2023, activities concentrated on the diversity dimensions of religion and age. One project was workplace design taking life stage into account. The aim of the project was to strengthen a human resources policy that optimally supports employees in all life stages from career orientation, training, and qualification to retirement. Various offers were specified here, for example support in getting the work-life balance right between family and career, and combining work with caring for relatives, needs-based working time models, and offers for integration and inclusion of employees with special needs.
Representation and inclusion
Furthermore, Helios has pursued the goal for many years now of increasing the proportion of women in management positions – irrespective of statutory requirements. In 2023, a total of 31% (2022: 31%) of our management positions were held by women.
Collective and local agreements ensure that employees receive equal pay for the same work, irrespective of gender. In addition, these agreements state that the same benefits should be available to all employees.
We offer three management development programs for doctors throughout the company. The programs are aimed at new or aspiring managers in medicine, doctors in middle management, and experienced doctors who are aiming for a position in top management (chief physicians). The proportion of women in the program is on average 40%.
In 2023, we launched the social media campaign entitled Women in Management with the objective of stimulating interest in a more ambitious career path and to encourage women to work towards a leadership position in medicine.
In 2020, we concluded a Group Inclusion Agreement applicable throughout the Group with the Group Representative Council for Employees with Disabilities. It promotes the integration of people with disabilities, including severe disabilities, as well as employees at risk of disabilities. The agreement also aims to maintain equal opportunities and prevent the discrimination and social exclusion of severely disabled employees.