Greenhouse gas emissions: Achieving a minimum carbon footprint and climate neutrality by 2040
Our energy consumption results in the liberation of substantial quantities of greenhouse gas emissions. In 2023, the operation of our hospitals released 104,125 tons of CO2 (2022: 110,156 tons of CO2). This is equivalent to 14.3 tons of CO2 (2022: 15.7 tons of CO2) per €1 million of revenue. Approximately 81.9% of our emissions are generated from the operation of our pellet, fuel oil, and natural gas boilers, as well as our combined heat-and-power systems and backup power systems (Scope 1). The remaining 18.1% is accounted for by the purchase of district heating (Scope 2). More detailed information can be found in the Key figures chapter.
The climate target announced by Fresenius in 2022 aims to achieve a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030 and to be climate-neutral by 2040 in relation to Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. As far as Helios is concerned, this means reducing its CO2 emissions by around 100,000 tons by 2030 and achieving climate neutrality by 2040. Helios intends to reach these goals primarily by avoidance of emissions on the basis of implementing energy efficiency measures.
This also involves adapting to changing external influences. For example, we can expect an increase in the energy needed to cool our hospitals in the future. Even today, the annual demand for cooling capacity at maximum care hospitals is higher than their demand for heating. We are working on the development of intelligent systems to improve energy efficiency in our hospitals so that we are able to meet our carbon emissions target.
Greenhouse gas emissions Scope 1 and 2 (2021–2023)
Cutting down specific emissions: Recycling anesthetic gases
In 2022, Helios focused on anesthetic gases as an additional source of emissions. These are included under Scope 1 emissions and have to be neutralized in accordance with the Group-wide climate goal of Fresenius by 2040.
Anesthetic gases used in operating rooms are released into the atmosphere through the exhaust air system where they are more harmful to the climate than carbon dioxide. Anesthetic gases cause up to 35% of a hospital’s total greenhouse gas emissions. As a consequence, recycling anesthetic gases is a major lever for environmental and climate protection. Helios uses activated carbon filters to absorb the gases used for anesthesia and to drastically reduce the release of these gases into the atmosphere. The gases absorbed by these filters and the activated charcoal are extracted and then available as pure materials for reuse.
In November 2022, a pilot project to recycle anesthetic gases was therefore launched in two hospitals. Following successful implementation throughout 2023, the initiative was expanded to the hospitals in the eastern region.
tonsof CO2 equivalente were saved by the implementation of our reduction measures for anesthetic gases compared with 2022.
Alongside recycling anesthetic gases, we were also able to cut down additional emissions by means of hospital-wide reduction of the climate-damaging anesthetic gas desflurane and by the use of the minimal-flow procedure. This technique uses less anesthetic gas and lower quantities of the gas are therefore released into the atmosphere. As a result, we achieved a total reduction of around 1,300 tons of CO2 equivalent in 2023.
Recording our Scope 3 emissions
In 2023, Fresenius continued its work to systematically record and evaluate Scope 3 emissions throughout the Group. In this report Fresenius discloses its group-wide Scope 3 emissions in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 3 Accounting and Reporting Standard for the first time. Helios will report in detail on its Scope 3 emissions for the first time in 2024.